Daily Archives: Dezember 8, 2018

Permanent Manifestation

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Roma organisations have called for a permanent manifestation for the respect of the inclusions agreements signed by Italy, and have also written a letter to the Lombard authorities asking them to respect the agreements.
Lombardy has been at the forefront of the eviction and closure of Roma camps.

– #Indivisibili Rom, Sinti e Caminanti Gallarate: manifestazione permanente per il rispetto degli accordi di inclusion. In: Pressenza. 05.12.2018. https://www.pressenza.com/it/2018/12/indivisibili-rom-sinti-e-caminanti-gallarate-manifestazione-permanente-per-il-rispetto-degli-accordi-di-inclusione/
– #indivisibili Rom, sinti e caminanti a Gallarate per la manifestazione permanente per il rispetto degli accordi di inclusione: basta guerra ai poveri. In: Agora Vox. 05.12.2018. https://www.agoravox.it/indivisibili-Rom-sinti-e-caminanti.html [link-preview url=”https://www.pressenza.com/it/2018/12/indivisibili-rom-sinti-e-caminanti-gallarate-manifestazione-permanente-per-il-rispetto-degli-accordi-di-inclusione/ “]

Film Festival

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A Roma Film Festival in Berlin.

– Nicht mehr Fremde im eigenen Land sein. In: Deutschlandfunk Kultur. 06.12.2018. https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/roma-filmfestival-in-berlin-nicht-mehr-fremde-im-eigenen.2156.de.html?dram:article_id=435255 [link-preview url=”https://www.deutschlandfunkkultur.de/roma-filmfestival-in-berlin-nicht-mehr-fremde-im-eigenen.2156.de.html?dram:article_id=435255″]

Podvinogradov again

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Another article on the Roma villas in the Ukrainian village of Podvinogradov close to the Romanian border.

– JOURNALISTS SHOWED THE RICH SETTLEMENT OF ROMA IN TRANSCARPATHIA. VIDEO. In: Bobr Times. 07.11.2018. https://bobrtimes.com/journalists-showed-the-rich-settlement-of-roma-in-transcarpathia-video/158614/ [link-preview url=”https://bobrtimes.com/journalists-showed-the-rich-settlement-of-roma-in-transcarpathia-video/158614/”]


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An Israeli editorial on Salvini qualifying him as a fascist. Besides being an ardent admirer of Mussolini, the Israeli papers argues he has taken several measures that are fascist. One of them is proposing a census based on race, for Roma… Same thing Mussolini did with Jews.

– Italy’s Salvini Should Be Persona Non Grata in Israel. In: Haaretz. 07.11.2018. https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-italy-s-salvini-should-be-persona-non-grata-in-israel-1.6723870 [link-preview url=”https://www.haaretz.com/opinion/.premium-italy-s-salvini-should-be-persona-non-grata-in-israel-1.6723870″]
