Daily Archives: Dezember 9, 2018

Switzerland and Minorities

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The EU doesn’t approve the way Switzerland is treating its Roma minority. The EU reciew of the 4th Report by Switzeralnd on the Framework Agreement for the Protection of National Minorities is scathing on Switzerland. Amongst others, it says Switzerland needs to take concrete actions against racism and hate speech; improve the infrastructure for travellers; cease discrimination of foreign Roma travellers; tell Switzerland that their criteria for recognition of the Roma minority need to be reviewed; and asks the country to stop racial profiling…
Welcome to the “cradle of democracy”…
The Geselschaft für Bedrohte Völker Press communiqué: https://mailchi.mp/0d3d78fe0120/medienmitteilung-gutachten-des-europarats-zeigt-handlungsbedarf-zur-situation-von-jenischen-sinti-und-roma?e=107f67f2cd
And the EU Report: https://www.eda.admin.ch/dam/eda/de/documents/aussenpolitik/voelkerrecht/4-gutachten-schweiz-schutz-nationaler-minderheiten-31.05.18_de.pdf
And the whole overview from the Swiss administration: https://www.eda.admin.ch/eda/de/home/aussenpolitik/voelkerrecht/internationale-uebereinkommenzumschutzdermenschenrechte/rahmenuebereinkommen-europarat-schutz-nationaler-minderheiten.html [link-preview url=”https://mailchi.mp/0d3d78fe0120/medienmitteilung-gutachten-des-europarats-zeigt-handlungsbedarf-zur-situation-von-jenischen-sinti-und-roma?e=107f67f2cd “]

Podvinogradov … Again

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Yet another article on the Roma settlement of Podvinogradov.

– Московские доллары и тоска по Януковичу: как живут ромы-миллионеры на Закарпатье. In: Obozrevatel. 06.12.2018. https://www.obozrevatel.com/society/moskovskie-dollaryi-i-toska-po-yanukovichu-kak-zhivet-samoe-bogatoe-selo-romov-v-ukraine.htm [link-preview url=”https://www.obozrevatel.com/society/moskovskie-dollaryi-i-toska-po-yanukovichu-kak-zhivet-samoe-bogatoe-selo-romov-v-ukraine.htm”]

Poland: Relocation and Judgement

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A case where the mayor of Limanowa, a Polish town purchased a house in another town for the Roma living in the centre of his city has had another round in court. The purchase and relocation was declared invalid, and the mayor of Limanowa did a recourse. This one was thrown out of court.

– NSA oddaliło skargę kasacyjną – uchwała dotycząca kupna domu dla Romów w Czchowie nieważna. In: Limanowa. 07.12.2018. https://limanowa.in/aktualnosci/nsa-oddalilo-skarge-kasacyjna-uchwala-dotyczaca-kupna-domu-dla-romow-w-czchowie-niewazna/43625 [link-preview url=”https://limanowa.in/aktualnosci/nsa-oddalilo-skarge-kasacyjna-uchwala-dotyczaca-kupna-domu-dla-romow-w-czchowie-niewazna/43625″]

Beggars in Lausanne

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The Roma beggars from Lausanne are back. And are now looking for jobs (as begging is forbidden).

– Des mendicants reviennent à Lausanne pour y travailler. In: Le Matin. 09.12.2018. https://www.24heures.ch/lematindimanche/Des-mendiants-reviennent-a-Lausanne-pour-y-travailler/story/18627828 [link-preview url=”https://www.24heures.ch/lematindimanche/Des-mendiants-reviennent-a-Lausanne-pour-y-travailler/story/18627828″]

French Chronicle …

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If there are news in France, Roma are no news … This is clearly the case this week. There are literally no articles in the French press on Roma:
A traffic of luxury cars in the north, with the petty criminals living in a Roma camp; a pickpocket in Montpellier expelled from France for three years; and a camp expulsion on hold in Grenoble.

– Métropole lilloise: Un trafic international de voitures de luxe orchestré… depuis un bidonville. In: La Voix du Nord. 04.12.2018. http://lavdn.lavoixdunord.fr/500118/article/2018-12-04/un-tres-vaste-trafic-international-de-voitures-de-luxe-avec-pour-epicentre-un
– Montpellier : une pickpocket interdite de séjour pendant 3 ans. In: e-Metropolitain. 08.12.2018. https://e-metropolitain.fr/2018/12/03/montpellier-pickpocket-interdite-de-sejour-pendant-3-ans/
– EXPULSION DES ROMS DU TERRAIN COURTADE À FONTAINE : LE JUGEMENT RENVOYÉ AU 19 DÉCEMBRE. In: Place Grenet. 07.12.2018. https://www.placegrenet.fr/2018/12/07/fontaine-roms-jugement-renvoye/220122 [link-preview url=”https://e-metropolitain.fr/2018/12/03/montpellier-pickpocket-interdite-de-sejour-pendant-3-ans/ “]
