Daily Archives: Dezember 16, 2018

Slovakia: Condemned

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Slovakia was condemned by the European Court of Human Right for not having investigated the racial motive of the Hurbanova massacre where a policeman murdered three Roma. The survivors of the crime have to be compensated.

– Európsky súd pre ľudské práva rozhodol o “Hurbanovskom masakre”: Išlo o rasovo motivovaný čin. In: Hlavne Spravy. 12.12.2018. https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/europsky-sud-pre-ludske-prava-rozhodol-o-hurbanovskom-masakre-islo-o-rasovo-motivovany-cin/1607152
– Európsky súd pre ľudské práva rozhodol v prípade Hurbanovského masakru. Trojnásobná vražda mala rasové pozadie. In: Noviny. 11.12.2018. https://www.noviny.sk/krimi/395931-europsky-sud-pre-ludske-prava-rozhodol-v-pripade-hurbanovskeho-masakru-trojnasobna-vrazda-mala-rasove-pozadie

Human Right Prize

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The US Embassy in Prague awarded its Human Right Prize to Magdalena Karrvayova for the work with Romani children.
Well done!

– US Embassy in Prague gives human rights award to Magdalena Karvayová for helping Romani children access quality education. In: Romea. 14.12.2018. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/us-embassy-in-prague-gives-human-rights-award-to-magdalena-karvayova-for-helping-romani-children-access-quality-education-2

Czech Republic: Prosecuted

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The Czech MP Miroslav Rozner will be prosecuted for his statements on the Lety concentration camp. Together with Tomio Okamura, he doubted that a genocide has taken place and dubbed Lety an open camp.

– LE DÉPUTÉ SPD MILOSLAV ROZNER SERA POURSUIVI POUR SES DÉCLARATIONS SUR LE CAMP DE LETY. In: Radio Praha. 11.12.2018. https://www.radio.cz/fr/rubrique/infos/le-depute-spd-miloslav-rozner-sera-poursuivi-pour-ses-declarations-sur-le-camp-de-lety

French Chronicle …

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The citizen of a village will pay the legal fees of their mayor following his derogatory comments on Roma … No comments. In Western France, a debate on the Roma integration. Near Paris, a sordid affair of rape and prostitution with three Roma pimps; and, also near Paris, a squat will be closed. And finally, near Grenoble, a piece of land has been requisitioned to lodge (?) Roma.

– Propos anti-Roms : les habitants paieront les frais de défense du maire. In: Nord Éclair. 14.12.2018. http://www.nordeclair.fr/209552/article/2018-12-14/propos-anti-roms-les-habitants-paieront-les-frais-de-defense-du-maire
– Carquefou. Les Roms s’invitent au conseil municipal. In: Ouest France. 14.12.2018. https://www.ouest-france.fr/pays-de-la-loire/carquefou-44470/carquefou-les-roms-s-invitent-au-conseil-municipal-6130317
– Collégien : trois Roms soupçonnés d’avoir violé et prostitué des femmes. In: Le Parisien. 10.12.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-et-marne-77/collegien-trois-roms-soupconnes-d-avoir-viole-et-prostitue-des-femmes-09-12-2018-7964076.php
– Noisy-le-Grand : les squatteurs de l’hôtel expulsés en mai prochain. In: Le Parisien. 11.12.2018. http://www.leparisien.fr/seine-saint-denis-93/noisy-le-grand-les-squatteurs-de-l-hotel-expulses-en-mai-prochain-11-12-2018-7965984.php
– Un terrain réquisitionné pour héberger des Roms. In: Le Dauphiné. 15.12.2018. https://www.ledauphine.com/haute-savoie/2018/12/15/inedit-haute-savoie-juvigny-annemasse-henbergement-d-urgence-roms-un-terrain-requisitionne
– “Base de vie” de Roms : un terrain réquisitionné à Juvigny. In: Le Dauphiné. 14.12.2018. https://www.ledauphine.com/haute-savoie/2018/12/14/base-de-vie-de-roms-ce-sera-a-juvigny
