Daily Archives: Januar 2, 2019

Netherlands – Accusations

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Following the decision in the Netherlands Railway to compensate people who were deported by train to concentration camps or their relatives, a feud between Roma organisations has erupted. Accusations are being made, all in the open.
This is bad.

– Nederlandse vereniging Roma en Sinti reageert op beschuldigingen Steinse club. In: Limburger. 30.12.2018. https://www.limburger.nl/cnt/dmf20181230_00086201/nederlandse-vereniging-roma-en-sinti-reageert-op-steinse-club [link-preview url=”https://www.limburger.nl/cnt/dmf20181230_00086201/nederlandse-vereniging-roma-en-sinti-reageert-op-steinse-club”]


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A long article about the Romni who was the model of a standard book in the DDR “Ede and Unku”. She really existed and was killed in Auschwitz in 1944.

– Kinderbuch-Klassiker “Ede und Unku”Was aus Unku wurde. Im: Spiegel Online. 02.01.2019. http://www.spiegel.de/einestages/ddr-kinderbuch-was-wurde-aus-ede-und-unku-a-1243180.html [link-preview url=”http://www.spiegel.de/einestages/ddr-kinderbuch-was-wurde-aus-ede-und-unku-a-1243180.html”]
