Daily Archives: Januar 10, 2019

Lithuania: More Inclusion

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As part of its review of the framework convention on the protection of national minorities, the Council of Europe advised Lithuania to improve its social inclusion of Roma. Not a surprise, on Roma all countries, including Switzerland need to improve.

– Council of Europe advises Lithuania to improve social inclusion of Roma. In: BNN News. 09.01.2019. https://bnn-news.com/council-of-europe-advises-lithuania-to-improve-social-inclusion-of-roma-195971 [link-preview url=”https://bnn-news.com/council-of-europe-advises-lithuania-to-improve-social-inclusion-of-roma-195971″]

Serbia: Racism

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Nataša Tasić Knežević, an Opera star and Romni was singled out for search at a local supermarket in her hometown of Novi Sad. She accuses the shop of racial profiling…

– Singled out for search at a Serbian supermarket, Roma opera superstar accuses the store of racism. In: Global Voices. 07.01.2019. https://globalvoices.org/2019/01/07/singled-out-for-search-at-a-serbian-supermarket-roma-opera-superstar-accuses-the-store-of-racism/ [link-preview url=”https://globalvoices.org/2019/01/07/singled-out-for-search-at-a-serbian-supermarket-roma-opera-superstar-accuses-the-store-of-racism/”]
