Daily Archives: Januar 11, 2019

France: Exhibition

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An exhibition in France remembers the fate of Roma during Worl War Two in the country, something that was done by the French themselves, and warns against discrimination.

– WW2 ‘Nomad Internment’ exhibition warns against institutionalised discrimination. In: RTL. 09.01.2019. http://en.rfi.fr/culture/20190108-shoah-memorial-paris-ww2-nomad-internment-exhibition-warns-against [link-preview url=”http://en.rfi.fr/culture/20190108-shoah-memorial-paris-ww2-nomad-internment-exhibition-warns-against”]

Bulgaria: Racism

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The Bulgarian state is doling out collective punishment to Roma following an altercation between a Rom and a soldier.

– https://www.facebook.com/Antifascist.BG/videos/348601499292615/ [link-preview url=”https://www.facebook.com/Antifascist.BG/videos/348601499292615/”]

Łódź Ghetto

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A commemoration was held for the 77 anniversary of the destruction of the Roma part of the Litzmannstadt Ghetto in January 1942 where more than 4’000 Rroma were killed.
May they rest in peace.

– Roma victims of Nazi German ghetto honoured in Poland. In: The First News. 10.01.2019. https://www.thefirstnews.com/article/roma-victims-of-nazi-german-ghetto-honoured-in-poland-4110 [link-preview url=”https://www.thefirstnews.com/article/roma-victims-of-nazi-german-ghetto-honoured-in-poland-4110″]
