Daily Archives: Januar 15, 2019

Switzerland: A FIRST!!!

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There seems to be change in the air. For the first time, politicians were condemned for racism against Roma. In this case, the leaders of the youth fraction of the SVP, the rightist populist party in Switzerland were condemned for a cartoon against Roma travellers.
A first, and hopefully, this will slow down these kind of actions.

– «Kritik ist erlaubt, aber mit Augenmass». In: Der Bund. 14.01.2019. https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/chefs-der-jungen-svp-bern-wegen-wahlplakat-verurteilt/story/20109238
– Roma-Organisation und GfbV begrüssen Verurteilung der Jungen SVP Bern wegen Rassismus. In: GfbV. 14.01.2019. https://www.gfbv.ch/de/medien/medienmitteilungen/junge-svp/ [link-preview url=”https://www.derbund.ch/bern/kanton/chefs-der-jungen-svp-bern-wegen-wahlplakat-verurteilt/story/20109238 “]

Slovakia … It Continues

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In 2013, the police in Moldavia nad Bodvou the police raided a Roma settlement. 6 Roma went to court and attacked the police for violence. This accusation was dismissed by the court, and now, the Roma are accused of false testimony against the police. One of the defendants, Róbert Rybár, was in court to present his defence.

– V kauze zbitých Rómov mohli byť porušené práva na obhajobu. In: Korzar. 14.01.2019. https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/22028156/v-kauze-zbitych-romov-z-moldavy-preveria-postup-posty.html
– Kauza zbitých Rómov z Moldavy nad Bodvou: FOTO Na košickom súde vytiahli nové dôkazy. In: Topky. 14.01.2019. https://www.topky.sk/cl/100371/1765025/Kauza-zbitych-Romov-z-Moldavy-nad-Bodvou–FOTO-Na-kosickom-sude-vytiahli-nove-dokazy [link-preview url=”https://kosice.korzar.sme.sk/c/22028156/v-kauze-zbitych-romov-z-moldavy-preveria-postup-posty.html “]
