Daily Archives: Januar 19, 2019

To be seen …

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A movie on a young Romni who comes to Western Europe. In Brussels January 30th.

– https://cinema-palace.be/fr/evenements/avant-premiere-seule-mon-mariage?fbclid=IwAR3LkonvAToAQgyEqo_oy_eRP3Am7WLcfQLQfrhzTADrXkQpFd8-uW0y3uw [link-preview url=”https://cinema-palace.be/fr/evenements/avant-premiere-seule-mon-mariage?fbclid=IwAR3LkonvAToAQgyEqo_oy_eRP3Am7WLcfQLQfrhzTADrXkQpFd8-uW0y3uw”]

Slovakia and Roma

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Ábel Ravasz, the Plenipotentiary of the Slovak Government for Roma Communities wants to focus on education and housing this year. On housing, the focus will be in improving living conditions (water, electricity) for the community, and on education, the focus will be on pre-school help.

– Ábel Ravasz sa v tomto roku zameria na vzdelávanie a bývanie Rómov. In: Teraz. 17.01.2019. https://www.teraz.sk/spravy/abel-ravasz-sa-v-tomto-roku-zameria-na/373001-clanok.html
– Ravasz sa v tomto roku zameria na vzdelávanie, zamestnanosť a bývanie Rómov. In: Hlavne Spravy. 17.01.2019. https://www.hlavnespravy.sk/ravasz-sa-tomto-roku-zameria-vzdelavanie-zamestnanost-byvanie-romov/1642742 [link-preview url=”https://www.teraz.sk/spravy/abel-ravasz-sa-v-tomto-roku-zameria-na/373001-clanok.html “]

Civil Rights Exhibition

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An exhibition in Germany shows a retrospective of 45 years of Roma civil right movement in that country. Open until end of the month.

– Kriminalisiert und verfolgt. In: Allgemeine Zeitung. 17.01.2019. https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/lokales/mainz/vg-nieder-olm/nieder-olm/kriminalisiert-und-verfolgt_19904010# [link-preview url=”https://www.allgemeine-zeitung.de/lokales/mainz/vg-nieder-olm/nieder-olm/kriminalisiert-und-verfolgt_19904010#”]

Bulgaria: Acquitted!

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The nationalist Bulgarian politician Valeri Simeonov was acquitted of charges of hate speech against Roma by Bulgaria’s supreme court. On December 17th, 2014, Simeonov told the House that “part of this (Roma) ethnicity” had become “arrogant, presumptuous and ferocious humanoids, ready to kill in order to steal a few leva”.

– Bulgaria supreme court acquits Valeri Simeonov on anti-Roma hate speech charge. In: The Sofia Globe. 18.01.2019. https://sofiaglobe.com/2019/01/18/bulgaria-supreme-court-acquits-valeri-simeonov-on-anti-roma-hate-speech-charge/ [link-preview url=”https://sofiaglobe.com/2019/01/18/bulgaria-supreme-court-acquits-valeri-simeonov-on-anti-roma-hate-speech-charge/”]
