Daily Archives: Januar 21, 2019


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An enquiry of the war crimes committed by the Kosovars during the war against Serbs, Roma, Turks, and other minorities has been launched, and two of the commanders of the Kosovo forces are in the Hague for trial. Let’s see…

– Enquête sur la guérilla au Kosovo: soulagement prudent des victims. In: RTL. 14.01.2019. https://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/enquete-sur-la-guerilla-au-kosovo-soulagement-prudent-des-victimes-1091653.aspx
– Crimes de guerre au Kosovo: 2 chefs rebelles en route pour La Haye. In: Le Devoir. 14.01.2019. https://www.ledevoir.com/monde/545457/crimes-de-guerre-au-kosovo-2-chefs-rebelles-en-route-pour-la-haye
– Enquête sur la guérilla au Kosovo: soulagement prudent des victims. In: Le Point. 14.01.2019. https://www.lepoint.fr/monde/enquete-sur-la-guerilla-au-kosovo-soulagement-prudent-des-victimes-14-01-2019-2285567_24.php [link-preview url=”https://www.rtl.be/info/monde/europe/enquete-sur-la-guerilla-au-kosovo-soulagement-prudent-des-victimes-1091653.aspx “]

Hungary and the Overtime Law

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The new law allowing for more overtime and its deferred payment (up to three years alter) has led to multiple protests. Here, Roma activists from the Khetane Dance Group and from Dikh TV have protested against the law, saying that Roma have had to deal with overtime since a long time in the building industry where many of them work illegally.

– A cigányok harminc éve elszenvedői a túlóratörvénynek. In: 444.hu. 19.01.2019. https://444.hu/2019/01/19/a-ciganyok-harminc-eve-elszenvedoi-a-tuloratorvenynek [link-preview url=”https://444.hu/2019/01/19/a-ciganyok-harminc-eve-elszenvedoi-a-tuloratorvenynek”]
