Daily Archives: Januar 22, 2019

Moldova: Clean Vote

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In the course of half a year, almost 11,000 members of the Roma community in the Republic of Moldova took part in an information campaign on holding fair elections, during which they learned about the rights of those who vote and who wants to run for office. The information campaign was conducted by a number of non-governmental organizations through the UNDP project “Strengthening Democracy in Moldova through Inclusive and Transparent Elections”, funded by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the British Embassy in Chisinau through the Good Governance Foundation and the Netherlands Embassy under the Matra program.

– Сообщество ромов узнало больше об избирательных правах. In: NOI. 21.01.2019. https://noi.md/ru/obshhestvo/soobshhestvo-romov-uznalo-bolishe-ob-izbiratelinyh-pravah [link-preview url=”https://noi.md/ru/obshhestvo/soobshhestvo-romov-uznalo-bolishe-ob-izbiratelinyh-pravah”]

Switzerland – Consequences

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The co-head of the young SVP – the rightist populist party in Switzerland – who was condemned for racism is a policeman. He was transferred to an internal department. Actually, he should be dismissed immediately as soon as the sentence is definitive.

– Spahr wegen «Zigeuner»-Plakat versetzt. In: 20 Minutes. 21.01.2019. https://www.20min.ch/schweiz/bern/story/Basler-Polizist-wegen-Zigeuner-Plakat-verurteilt-31053323?fbclid=IwAR1VhliD-xmMr5oA9aWhjixom2aqx3TreiquNodIBn1gIVdVbumWZCn3yl8
– Basler Polizei versetzt Jung-SVPler Adrian Spahr. In: Blick. 21.01.2019. https://www.blick.ch/news/politik/kein-ausgang-mehr-nach-zigeuner-plakat-basler-polizei-versetzt-jung-svpler-adrian-spahr-id15129197.html
– Nach Zigeuner-Hetze: Basler Polizist wurde von der Front abgezogen. In: Argauer Zeitung. 21.01.2019. https://www.aargauerzeitung.ch/basel/basel-stadt/nach-zigeuner-hetze-basler-polizist-wurde-von-der-front-abgezogen-133988832
– Nach Zigeuner-Hetze: Basler Polizist wurde von der Front abgezogen. In: Basler Zeitung. 21.01.2019. https://www.bzbasel.ch/basel/basel-stadt/nach-zigeuner-hetze-basler-polizist-wurde-von-der-front-abgezogen-133988832 [link-preview url=”https://www.20min.ch/schweiz/bern/story/Basler-Polizist-wegen-Zigeuner-Plakat-verurteilt-31053323?fbclid=IwAR1VhliD-xmMr5oA9aWhjixom2aqx3TreiquNodIBn1gIVdVbumWZCn3yl8 “]
