Daily Archives: Januar 23, 2019

Germany: Roma Holocaust

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Germany’s Federal President Frank-Walter Steinmeier recalled the crimes committed by the National Socialists against Sinti and Roma. It is good that the rightly so-called “forgotten holocaust” is getting more and more into the country.

– Erinnerung an “vergessenen Holocaust”. In: Dom Radio. 23.01.2019. https://www.domradio.de/themen/soziales/2019-01-23/erinnerung-vergessenen-holocaust-steinmeier-kultur-der-sinti-und-roma-oft-verdraengt-und

Slovakia: Community Centre

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A Roma community centre will be built in Liptovska Teplicka in central Slovakia. It is meant to help schooling Roma in manual and computer work and is funded by the EU.
Question is as usual, is this the right solution?

– V Liptovskej Tepličke plánujú postaviť komunitné centrum pre rómov. In: Spiš Korzar. 22.01.2019. https://spis.korzar.sme.sk/c/22035103/v-liptovskej-teplicke-planuju-postavit-komunitne-centrum-pre-romov.html
