Daily Archives: Februar 11, 2019

Music and Protest

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A new video by the Romani Music group “Bengas” protests against the racist and extremist policies against Roma that exist in many states.
We definitively need more protests!

– Romani band Bengas issues new video protesting racist attacks after performer moves away from the Czech Republic. In: Romea. 09.02.2019. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/romani-band-bengas-issues-new-video-protesting-racist-attacks-after-performer-moves-away-from-the-czech-republic [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/romani-band-bengas-issues-new-video-protesting-racist-attacks-after-performer-moves-away-from-the-czech-republic”]

Slovakia: Invisible Roma

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The “invisible Roma”, i.e. the integrated ones but also a group of Roma in Slovakia, are formally protesting against the derogatory terms used by Andrey Danko against a fellow parliament member.

– Slovakia: “Invisible Roma” protest insult by the speaker of Parliament. In: Romea. 10.02.2019. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/slovakia-invisible-roma-protest-insult-by-the-speaker-of-parliament [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/world/slovakia-invisible-roma-protest-insult-by-the-speaker-of-parliament”]

Slovakia and Roma

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An article on the fallout of the controversy around Andrey Danko who called a fellow member of parliament a derogatory “ciganočka”.
The question asked here is what terminology is acceptable, and the influence of the terminology on the integration of Roma.

– Korektný jazyk a politické súboje. In: Nazory Pravda. 08.02.2019. https://nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-postrehy/clanok/501349-korektny-jazyk-a-politicke-suboje/ [link-preview url=”https://nazory.pravda.sk/analyzy-a-postrehy/clanok/501349-korektny-jazyk-a-politicke-suboje/”]
