Daily Archives: Februar 15, 2019


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Roma organisations are organising a show trial of Matteo Salvini for racism. The Italian deputy prime minister will be put on trial on the Piazza Esquilino on Feb. 20 from 16 to 18:00.

– I rom processano Salvini. A Roma la condanna: “Il razzismo è un reato”. In: Affari Italiani. 12.02.2019. http://www.affaritaliani.it/roma/i-rom-processano-salvini-a-roma-la-condanna-il-razzismo-un-reato-587438.html?refresh_ce
– Processiamo Matteo Salvini, il razzismo è reato: manifestazione a Roma. In: Agora Vox. 12.02.2019. https://www.agoravox.it/Processiamo-Matteo-Salvini-il.html [link-preview url=”https://www.agoravox.it/Processiamo-Matteo-Salvini-il.html”]

Roma in Northern Ireland

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A prominent Rom was arrested in Belfast on the back of the story of abuses in the attribution of social help in Northern Ireland.

– Nicolae Nicola: Prominent member of Roma community arrested. In: BBC News. 13.02.2019. https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-47218841 [link-preview url=”https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-northern-ireland-47218841″]

EU and Roma

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The rights of Roma are constantly being violated in the EU according to a EU parliament resolution.

– EP: Roma Rights Are Constantly Violated in the EU. In: Novinite. 13.02.2019. https://www.novinite.com/articles/195149/EP%3A+Roma+Rights+Are+Constantly+Violated+in+the+EU [link-preview url=”https://www.novinite.com/articles/195149/EP%3A+Roma+Rights+Are+Constantly+Violated+in+the+EU”]
