Daily Archives: Februar 17, 2019

Not Surprised …

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A Czech court stopped the prosecution of a man accused of threatening a well-known Roma singer on social medias.

– Czech court conditionally suspends prosecution of man who threatened to kill Romani celebrity. In: Romea. 15.02.2019. http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-conditionally-suspends-prosecution-of-man-who-threatened-to-kill-romani-celebrity [link-preview url=”http://www.romea.cz/en/news/czech/czech-court-conditionally-suspends-prosecution-of-man-who-threatened-to-kill-romani-celebrity”]

Slovakia: Kotleba

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Marian Kotleba, the Slovak leader of the ultra nationalist party “Our Slovakia”, also known for his racist statements against Roma, is a candidate to the Slovak presidential elections.

– Marian Kotleba, le néonazi qui se rêvait président slovaque. In: Le Soir. 14.02.2019. https://plus.lesoir.be/206739/article/2019-02-14/marian-kotleba-le-neonazi-qui-se-revait-president-slovaque [link-preview url=”https://plus.lesoir.be/206739/article/2019-02-14/marian-kotleba-le-neonazi-qui-se-revait-president-slovaque”]

Hungary: New Party

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A new political party “Mi Hazank” – Our Country was founded recently in Hungary. It is the result of a split of the Jobbik nationalist party, and is even more rabid against Roma, speaking of “Gypsy criminality”.

– On reparle de « criminalité tsigane » en Hongrie. In: Le Courrier d’Europe Centrale. 15.02.2019. https://courrierdeuropecentrale.fr/on-reparle-de-criminalite-tsigane-en-hongrie/ [link-preview url=”https://courrierdeuropecentrale.fr/on-reparle-de-criminalite-tsigane-en-hongrie/”]

French Chronicle …

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Almost no news this week in France on Roma. Most notable case, the story of the “Gypsy Boxer”, one of the yellow vests protesters who was caught beating up a policeman, who went from “Gitan” as a nickname on the ring to a Rom in the press…
Other than that, protests in Savoy against a planned camp; families who were expulsed recently in Grenoble still have not been given housing; and a insertion village in the North was closed.

– “Les mots d’un boxeur gitan” : petite histoire du mépris de classe par la langue. In: France Culture. 14.02.2019. https://www.franceculture.fr/societe/les-mots-dun-boxeur-gitan-petite-histoire-du-mepris-de-classe-par-la-langue
– Camp de Roms à Juvigny : « Ce sera une base de vie et pas un bidonville ! » In: Le Dauphiné. 12.02.2019. https://www.ledauphine.com/haute-savoie/2019/02/12/camp-de-roms-a-juvigny-(pres-d-annemasse)-ce-sera-une-base-de-vie-et-pas-un-bidonville
– PRÈS DE QUINZE JOURS APRÈS LEUR EXPULSION, LES FAMILLES ROMS DU 130 COURS BERRIAT TOUJOURS SANS LOGEMENTS STABLES. In: Place Grenet. 12.02.2019. https://www.placegrenet.fr/2019/02/12/roms-cours-berriat-sans-logements/229327
– Faches-Thumesnil Le village d’insertion a disparu du paysage. In: La Voix du Nord. 16.02.2019. http://www.lavoixdunord.fr/538615/article/2019-02-16/le-village-d-insertion-disparu-du-paysage [link-preview url=”https://www.franceculture.fr/societe/les-mots-dun-boxeur-gitan-petite-histoire-du-mepris-de-classe-par-la-langue “]
