Daily Archives: März 6, 2022

Slovakia and Roma Refugees

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The pastoral centre has become a refuge for Ukrainian Roma who crossed to the border crossing in Veľké Slemence into Slovakia. The pastor of the Apostolic Church, Marek Gombár, brings them with volunteers to Pavloviec nad Uhom, about 17 kilometres away.

French Chronicle …

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Few news on Roma, which is not surprising, as news are full of other more pressing issues.

Nevertheless, a few things: A meeting from the anti-racism league of France which still uses racist terms and is utterly confused by Roma, insisting there are Travellers, Manouches, Tsiganes, and Roma – the latter ones generally associated to Romania. Bad.

Other news are a fire in a camp ion Lille and angry neighbours of a camp in Villeneuve d’Asc in the North of France; in the southwest, a new camping site for Travellers; and finally, militants that are requesting solidarity with all refugees.
