The Romani writer Elena Lacková was born 101 years ago on March 22.
- Před 101 lety se narodila významná romská spisovatelka Elena Lacková. In: Romea. 23.03.2022.
The Romani writer Elena Lacková was born 101 years ago on March 22.
An article about Roma refugees from the Ukraine in the Czech Republic. The article cites roughly 500 Roma, mostly women with small children, and mostly from Western Ukraine – the region around Uzhgorod.
Main problem, the language barrier.
Roma in Serbia are being courted by all parties, as usual, and being promised a lot or bought outright. The electoral list “Roma Patria – Srdjan Šajn” called on the citizens today to take whatever is being offered to in exchange for votes, but to vote according to their conscience, noting that “buying votes is a collapse of democracy”.
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