Monthly Archives: April 2022

Uzhhorod and the International Roma Day

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Uzhhorod and the International Roma Day

Celebrations in Uzhgorod of the international Roma day. The Transcarpathian region of the Ukraine is one with the highest number of Roma in the country.

Czechoslovakia and Sterilisation

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After years of struggle led by victims of illegal sterilizations, the Czech Senate approved, in July 2021, a bill aimed at compensating the thousands of Roma women who were illegally sterilized by the Czechoslovak, then Czech, authorities. between 1966 and 2012.

A summary of the history and struggle.

German President Asks for Forgiveness

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German President Asks for Forgiveness

The German President Frank-Walter Steinmeier asks Roma and Sinti for forgiveness, as it took way to long to recognise the Roma Holocaust and the discriminations continue.

Slovakia: Action Plan

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Slovakia: Action Plan

The Strategy for Equality, Inclusion and Roma Participation until 2030 is now officially translated into a first action plan. The proposal of assignments and tasks for the period 2022 – 2024 was approved by the government at its Wednesday meeting.

The action plan proposes measures in five priority areas. The areas of employment, education, health and housing are key to meeting the goals of the strategy, special emphasis is also placed on intensifying interventions in the fight against anti-Roma racism.

Let’s see.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Almost no news on Roma in France this week: A town in Northern France is working hard to enrol young Roma in schools; a Romni telling stories to children in Nantes; and the removal of garbage in the vicinity of a Roma squat in Marseilles.

Germany: Anti-Roma Crimes

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Germany: Anti-Roma Crimes

The number of crimes committed against Sinti and Roma fell slightly last year for the first time since systematic recording began in 2017. The authorities reported 109 so-called Roma crimes for the past year – 18 percent fewer than in 2020 with 133 crimes, according to a response from the Federal Ministry of the Interior to a request from the Left Movement reported by the “Neue Osnabrücker Zeitung” (NOZ).

Rome and Roma

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Rome and Roma

The city of Rome is reassessing and rearranging its department responsible for running the Roma camps in the capital. Well, not sure this will change anything, as the situation has not evolved in at least 30 years …

Roma Refugees and Hungary

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Roma Refugees and Hungary

Some Romnja were prevented from leaving the Ukraine several times before being able to cross into Hungary.


Roma Refugees in Germany

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Roma Refugees in Germany

“A small town made up of Sinti and Roma” is developing on the Munich exhibition grounds. The member of parliament Andreas Lorenz (CSU) visited the exhibition halls on Sunday (March 3rd). His conclusion: “Today, 2,100 people are housed here. 1,200 of them are children. 90 percent are Sinti and Roma.” Apparently not all those who arrive come from the Ukraine. “Around 30 percent have no papers”, can be heard in the exhibition halls. Lorenz: “I found that many don’t even know the Ukrainian government districts.”

Pavlína Radlová

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Pavlína Radlová

The funeral of Pavlína Radlová, the founder of the R-mosty organisation was held in Prague last Friday.

May she rest in peace.

Holocaust Survivor

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Holocaust Survivor

The Stuttgart Sinto Peter Reinhardt tells as a contemporary witness in a film about his life as a descendant of the survivors of the Nazi terror and about never-ending discrimination.

Academia and Roma …

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Academia and Roma …

The student association of Sinti and Roma in Germany supports Sinti and Roma at universities with advice and action. One of the founders of the association, Radoslav Ganev, talks about the antigypsy myths and stereotypes that students are still confronted with at universities today.

In brief, academia has the same bias against Roma.