Monthly Archives: Mai 2022


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The president of the Czech Senate will attend the ceremonies commemorating the victims of Nazism on May 8th on the site of the former concentration camp for Roma in Lety.

Good, since the Czech are actually not really keen to acknowledge this part of history.


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A few articles in the Balkan press on the celebrations of Erdelezi or Đurđevdan – simply Saint Georges day in the orthodox calendar – which fell on May 6th, and is celebrated by all Roma in the Balkans.

UK and Travellers

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The fact that some travellers want to settle near a landmark in Yorkshire doesn’t bring the best in the UK press. Stereotypes galore.


Ruža Nikolić Lakatos

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The Romani singer Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos passed away yesterday at the age of 77. May she rest in peace.

Born in Hungary in 1945, she grew up in a traditional and musical Lovara family who traded horses. Her musical talent was evident from early on. When she was 11, her family moved to Austria due to the 1956 Hungarian Uprising. There she met her husband Mišo Nikolić and had her first public appearance on the initiative of the music ethnologist Ursula Hemetek. She then founded the band “Ruža Nikolić-Lakatos and The Gypsy Family” with her husband and sons and gained international fame. Passing on the song tradition to younger generations was particularly important to her. It is thanks to her that the songs of the Lovara in Austria were recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2011.

German Police and Roma

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The process against police in Singen, Germany, for having arrested and handcuffed an 11 year old Sinto is starting. Not clear whether it will continue, as the police got cold feet and accepted the fine that was handed to them.

Too bad, as this kind of behaviour needs to be legally sanctioned.

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Two more articles on the fact that Roma refugees from the Ukraine were offered housing in detention centres, and some refused.


Ukrainian Roma in the Czech Republic

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Ukrainian Roma in the Czech Republic

Ukrainian Roma are looking for housing in vain. The last resort is the detention facility. And as some have a Hungarian passport, they are not welcome.

Jimmy Carr and Roma

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Jimmy Carr and Roma

The UK comedian said in a Netflix show:

“When people talk about the Holocaust, they talk about the tragedy and horror of 6 million Jewish lives being lost to the Nazi war machine. But they never mention the thousands of Gypsies that were killed by the Nazis.

“No one ever wants to talk about that, because no one ever wants to talk about the positives.”

He needs to be condemned for this. There have been numerous articles on this, all negative, even in newspapers not generally known for their support of Roma. See the list below for a full view of what has been written since yesterday afternoon!

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

More of the usual. A camp is being closed in Limeil, another one in Livry sur Seine. Another camp was vacated leaving lots of garbage. All near Paris. In Montpellier, camps are being closed now that the new insertion village has been opened. Near Grenoble, an owner who tried to chase Roma squatters ends up in police custody. And finally, a young Rom is being condemned for aggressions in front of ATMs.

All bad.