Daily Archives: Juli 3, 2022

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

More news this week on Roma, unfortunately. Complaints about a Roma camp near Paris; a camp evacuated near Lyon; the aftermath of a fire in a camp near Marseilles and the tricky question of the relocation of people; also in Marseilles, a squat has been closed; a new site for Roma near Nantes; a judgement in Lille, in the North, where a camp will be closed and the action of associations alarmed at the closure of camps.

Slovakia and its History

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Slovakia and its History

The young Slovak historian Viktória Rigová focused her research on so called “problematic” youth. The result of her research is a very interesting and thought-provoking book, Youth over the Abyss, in which she presents the results of her research into a neglected area of Slovak social history. It monitors the social care of children and youth during the interwar period of Czechoslovakia and the Slovak State, i.e. in the period 1918-1945. In a narrower focus, it focuses on children and youth, referred to as “problem youth”.

  • Človek sa zločincom nerodí, no ideológovia slovenského klérofašizmu si to však nemysleli. In: Dennik. 02.07.2022. https://dennikn.sk/blog/2919040/clovek-sa-zlocincom-nerodi-no-ideologovia-slovenskeho-klerofasizmu-si-to-vsak-nemysleli/