Daily Archives: Juli 17, 2022

Hungary, Roma, and Education

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Hungary, Roma, and Education

The situation of Roma students in Hungarian schools is critical: segregation is not decreasing, and only half a percent of them go to university. The Romaversitas foundation helps them progress from the 9th grade all the way to graduation. But fewer and fewer people apply to them. They try to equip their students with an activist approach and “talk them out” so that an intellectual Roma stratum with a strong ability to assert their interests can be formed.

Slovakia, the EU, and Roma

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Slovakia, the EU, and Roma

Another Slovak article about the visit of EU MPs in Slovakia where they were shocked by how neglected some Roma communities are in the east of Slovakia. They stated: “It is absolutely scandalous that European citizens still do not have access to drinking water in the 21st century. It is a shame for Slovakia and a shame for Europe that some Roma live in medieval conditions.”
