Daily Archives: Oktober 26, 2022

Slovakia and Roma

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The Slovak summary of the EU studies on Roma. The Slovak Paper also gives a better understanding of how the survey was done.

The report “Roma in 10 European countries”, which also deals with the situation of Roma in Slovakia, points to little progress since the last survey in 2016. Although there has been some improvement, the general finding is that Roma families still live in shocking conditions and their prospects for education and employment are poor. Data for Slovakia showed that 14 percent of Roma experienced harassment motivated by hatred on ethnic grounds, which is a significant – 23 percent decrease – compared to 2016.

The survey was conducted on a sample of 8,500 Roma respondents with information on more than 20,000 household members in the Czech Republic, Greece, Croatia, Hungary, Portugal, Romania, North Macedonia, Serbia, Spain and Italy, while FRA also supported the collection of national data on Roma in Bulgaria and Slovakia.

Europe and Roma

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In recent years, the EU has repeatedly measured the situation of Roma in the member states, for example in 2008, 2011, 2016 and 2019. With results that are always similar or the same, which the current report confirms: The living conditions of Europe’s largest – and most discriminated – minority improved in very small steps and sometimes not at all.

In its most recent report, published on Tuesday, the EU Fundamental Rights Agency (FRA) found that 80 percent of members of the minority in Europe still live in poverty – by no means only in the Balkan countries, where they make up almost a tenth of the population place.

As usual how to measure the 80% remains shrouded in mystery, as the overall number of Roma is not accurately known.

Film Festival Ake Dikhea

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The Ake Dikhea Sinti and Roma Film Festival opened yesterday in Berlin. It will show 9 bibliographies of Roma and Sinti Holocaust victims.
