Daily Archives: November 30, 2022

Slovakia Lunik IX

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An interview of the Roma mayor of the largest Roma settlement in Slovakia: Lunik IX.

Marcel Šaňa says that he experienced the biggest prejudices as a Roma when he wanted to buy a family home.

For the third time, he was sovereignly elected mayor of Lunik IX, where he has lived for over forty years. He graduated from university while working with his wife, and this year he also completed his doctorate.

“Maybe this whole thing was good for something. We stayed in Luník and were able to help the people here,” explains Marcel Šaňa, the mayor of the Košice district of Luník IX, who is also the vice-chairman of the Roma Coalition Party, in an interview with Postoj.

He took his children to school elsewhere because, according to him, the elementary school in Luník was weak. He explains why the education of the Roma is important, how they cleaned Luník, and also revealed whether he ever plans to move out of the Roma settlement.

Germany, Moldova, and Refugees

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There is an ongoing controversy in Berlin currently where the Senate wants to send 600 Moldovan refugees back to Moldova before Christmas to make room for Ukrainian refugees. Some of those 600 are Roma so this is not good.
