Daily Archives: Januar 26, 2023

Poland and a Roma School

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The Parish Polish-Roma Primary School in Suwałki received a grant from the program of social and civic integration of the Roma in Poland. Thanks to this, the school will enrich its offer for Roma students.

They have been teaching Roma for nearly 30 years. Thanks to the small parish school, the Roma community in Suwałki is perceived better and better. As Fr. Jarema Sykulski, pastor of the Parish of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Suwałki – Roma in Suwałki are not treated as intruders, as some group that would threaten someone. They are simply part of this climate, the landscape of Suwałki.

Serbia, Police, and Roma

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The European Roma Right Centre and the Vojvoðanski romski centar are taking legal action against the Serbian police for having invaded a Roma home and brutally attacked the Roma.

Let’s see what comes out of it…

Germany: Condemned

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A German Neo Nazi was condemned to two years and eight months of jail for having slashed a Jamaican man with a cutter and nearly killed him as well for having done the Nazi salute in front of the Roma Holocaust Memorial in Berlin, as well as having work several Nazi emblems and symbols.
