Daily Archives: März 9, 2023

Czech Republic, Schools, and Roma

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The story of Roma children being taught English but not having any textbook. This in a Roma settlement, which, according to the journalist, resembles wor torn Ukraine.


Slovenia and Roma Representatives

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The Government Office for Nationalities has announced new elections to the Council of the Roma Community of the Republic of Slovenia. This council has already started work, but without seven members from the ranks of Roma municipal councillors, as no voters voted in the first elections. This year’s elections will be held on March 30 in Murska Sobota, and in Novi Mesto on March 31, the office announced.

Roma councillors send their possible candidacy for member of the Council of the Roma Community by mail or bring it in person. The deadline for submitting candidacy is March 17 until 2 p.m. The candidature, which will be submitted by registered mail on February 17, is also considered timely.

Bavaria and Roma

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Bavaria is increasing its financial support for the State Association of German Sinti and Roma. Prime Minister Markus Söder (CSU) and head of the state association Erich Schneeberger signed a new version of the contract that had existed since 2018 on the occasion of the 80th anniversary of the deportation of the Bavarian Sinti and Roma.

This provides for an expansion of cooperation and an increase in financial support from 434,700 euros to 662,300 euros.
