Daily Archives: März 21, 2023

Slovakia, the Holocaust, and the Aftermath

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A few days ago, Slovakia remembered one of the darkest chapters of our modern history – the creation of the wartime Slovak Republic under the leadership of the president of the ruling Hlinkova Party (HSĽS) Jozef Tis.

What memories did this experience of mass complicity in the genocide of one’s own population left in the Slovak collective consciousness and subconsciousness? How do the Slovak deal with this past, and are they willing to admit that they were often active participants Mass Evil?

An Ethnologist is investigating.

Week against Racism

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The chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, Romani Rose, has called for more civil courage against racism. “We are experiencing again that people in the crisis are looking for scapegoats,” Rose explained on Monday at the start of the International Weeks Against Racism in Schwerin. “But racism only comes into play when people watch and don’t contradict,” said Rose, referring to this year’s motto “Get involved.”

Bulgaria: Brawl

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A fight between two Roma families left a father of two dead and 6 wounded. The fight between two rival Roma families happened in Kazanlak, Bulgaria. They went at each other with shovels and axes.

Not good.
