Daily Archives: März 25, 2023

Munich: Artwork

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The city of Munich decides to realize a work of art that gives the history and present of the Sinti and Roma a voice in the city centre and brings the culture of remembrance to life. With a large majority, the general assembly of the city council now voted in favour of the implementation of a permanent, participatory art project by the artist Ladislava Gažiová on the Frauenplatz. The victims of the systematic persecution and murder during the Nazi regime are remembered and the current life of the Sinti and Roma in Munich is made visible. In this way, the city also wants to counteract the discrimination that still exists.

Bulgaria: Police Action

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The Bulgarian police raised several mahala (Roma settlements) in Bulgaria in Plovdiv, Kazanlak, Gurkovo etc. They were searching for drugs, but also vote buying and other offences.
