Monthly Archives: Juni 2023


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An article on the largest Mahala in Bulgaria, the Fakulteta in Sofia. Unfortunately, the article, not knowing history, speaks of centuries of discrimination. This was not the case until the end of the Ottoman Empire, and has only really taken off with the fall of Communism and the rise of populism.

Czech Republic and Roma Settlements

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A bad story in Ušti nad Labem. The city council is taking measures against littering, destruction of material, littering etc., which de-facto are directed at Roma. Roma organisations are protesting.

There are unfortunately two sides to this issue: The clear fact that these housing estates are run down, and that the residents are not exactly tidy nor respectful of the property, but on the  other hand, these very residents have been excluded from society by racism.

Adam Bartosz

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Adam Bartosz, a Polish Roma activist, will become an honorary citizen of the city of Tarnów on Friday. The decision to grant him such a title was made on Thursday by the Tarnów councillors in recognition of Adam Bartosz’s outstanding merits for the Republic of Poland and the community of the city of Tarnów, related to the extraordinary commitment to the cultural development and activities for the development and popularization of research on multicultural history of Tarnów, including the history of Roma and Jews.

Milan: Brawl

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An argument over a car parked in front of a courtyard escalated into a brawl involving up to 60 Roma and Romnja. They used sticks, bars, bottles and knives. The police had to intervene.

Slavonski Brod, Croatia: Exhibition

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As part of the projects ‘Equality for Roma through suppression of discrimination’ and ‘School of Human Rights’, the Slavonski Brod Information and Legal Center organized the ‘Photovoice’ exhibition in the City Library.

It is an exhibition of photos of Roma mediators, volunteers and pupils of the Hugo Badalić Primary School in Brod with scenes from the everyday life of members of the Roma national minority in their settlement in Slavonski Brod.

Brno: Continuation

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On Saturday, June 17, a memorial service was held on the Old Town Square for a young Roma killed in Brno. The representatives of the Roma and Ukrainian minorities strongly rejected the spreading wave of hatred and xenophobia.

Serbia and Statistics

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The Serbian language is the mother tongue of 84.4 percent of the population of Serbia according to the latest numbers published by the Serbian Republic Institute of Statistics.

After Serbian, the most represented mother tongues are Hungarian, 2.6 percent, Bosnian, 2.2 percent, Romani, 1.2 percent, and Albanian, 1.0 percent.

We can only guess that many Roma simply wrote their mother tongue is Serbian (or Hungarian).

Brno – Another Manifestation

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About two hundred Roma gathered at the beginning of Cejl Street in Brno yesterday at 2 p.m., who had arrived there to guard against an alleged demonstration by Ukrainians. The police came to calm the situation. The tension between the two minorities increased after the recent violent incident at the Brno dam in which a Roma man died.

Brno – Manifestations

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A report on the manifestation last Saturday that saw around 1’000 participants. It was spontaneous gathering. Already before two o’clock, when the event started, there were several hundred people on the square in front of the theater – apart from journalists and a few individuals from the majority, they were mostly Roma. Not many people outside the community came to share Roma grief and anger.

This time, the reason could also be that the otherwise solidary part of the Brno majority was discouraged by the anti-Ukrainian framing of the demonstration originally planned for the same time and place, which, however, the organizer herself cancelled precisely because of the fear of spreading hatred and collective guilt.

Prague and the Brno Murder

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Following the murder of a young Rom in Brno last week at the hands of a Ukrainian, manifestations were held, notably in Prague with both Roma and Ukrainians denouncing racism and bigotry.

10 Years

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Tomorrow, ten years since the brutal police intervention in Moldova nad Bodvou, Slovakia, will have passed. The Roma went to court, only to find themselves condemned for perjury and defamation, a judgement that went to the EU court of justice which condemned Slovakia for the facts. Now, it is back in court there, under the very same person who indicted the victims, the Roma.

Not ideal to say the least.

Spain Symposium

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More than forty people from the Roma community, among them refugees from Ukraine participate here in a “protected space” in a symposium on the management of traumas and their healing, for strengthening and empowering oneself.

Roxanna-Lorainne Witt, co-founder of the association Save Space and co-organizer of the symposium, explains in an interview for DW: “Who strengthens those people, who are strong for all of us? How are role models supported, so that strengthen themselves, while they themselves often have to work without stable perspectives and structures? Normal experiences – such as seeing the sea once in a lifetime – are often completely undervalued.”

Brno Murder: Commemoration

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Government Commissioner for Roma Minority Affairs Lucie Fuková will take part in a commemorative event on the Old Town Square in Prague today. Representatives of Roma and Ukrainians will meet there. The event is organized by PULS Europe and the Czechoslovak Roma Union, in cooperation with the Olašské Roma Union.

Brno – Roma Reactions

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An interview with Nick Budai, a Roma activist in Brno, Czech Republic following the murder of a Rom by a Ukrainian last Saturday.

He portrays the Brno Roma community, shaken by the violent death of a young man at the dam a few days ago, as a diverse mass of people with diverse opinions and attitudes. He admits that things are boiling so much among the Roma in the South Moravian metropolis that some of them can hear about manipulations and extreme attitudes. However, he believes that the upcoming Saturday pieta will take place in a calm and dignified manner.