Daily Archives: September 5, 2023

Bavaria: Aiwanger and Nazism

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A controversy has been brewing in Bavaria: Aiwanger, the leader of a party in current coalition in the Bavarian government, has been linked to a manifesto, written in the 1980’s that is definitively an apology of Nazism. His brother has in between claimed he is the author and Aiwanger has “apologised”, kind of.

Disgraceful and distasteful.

Czech Extremists and Roma

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Czech extremists, whose target are both Roma and Ukrainians, took advantage of the murder of a Rom in Bron in June and are systematically inciting Roma against Ukrainians, whose relations were not ideal even before the crime.
This is really bad.

Bulgaria: Mass Fight

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Another mass fight between two Roma families in Bulgaria, injring at least 4.


Slovenia and Roma

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Another article on the mayor’s initiative for changing the laws on social benefits clearly directed against the Roma minority without mentioning them.

There must be better solutions.
