Daily Archives: September 11, 2023

Another Comment on “Infamia”

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The NEtflic series “Infamia” is not only about the Roma or Poles. It’s about someone we perceive as a “stranger”. Here in Europe, we have a built-in and fuelled fear of foreigners. I wanted to encourage viewers to, instead of being afraid, ask “others” out of our common social life, take a closer look at them, see people in them, says Anna Maliszewska, the director of the series.

Croatia, the Church, and Roma

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One year after the death of the founder of Roma pastoral care in the Republic of Croatia, Sister Karolina Miljak, ASC (1950 – 2022), a feuilleton in five parts aims to prove that there are already indelible traces that she and her colleagues left on the Church, institutions , the culture of dialogue, but most of all on the lives of members of the Roma community whom she not only helped, but sincerely looked forward to meeting them, raised awareness in society about the challenges they face and wholeheartedly believed in their social integration and progress.

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Slovak Politics and the Holocaust

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The OĽaNO chairman  and former prime minister Igor Matovič and the president of the Republic Milan Uhrík discussed in the program O 5 minut 12 on RTVS. He admitted that he “doesn’t go much” to his job as an MEP, but despite this, he earned more than 400,000 euros in the European Parliament.

At the beginning of the show, the moderator confronted Milan Uhrík with his past statements about the Holocaust. Uhrík did not directly condemn the Holocaust of Jews, Roma, LGBTI+ people, etc. “Certainly none of us wishes, neither now, nor in the past, nor in the future, that anyone, be it Igor Matovič, Milan Uhrík, your children, our children, anyone, would be taken to some concentration camp because he is small, fat big, white, black or whatever, we don’t even have to debate it.’
