Daily Archives: September 28, 2023

Slovenia, Roma, and News

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Some of the Slovenian press headlines: The Lopatec brothers from Dobrava near Škocjan were cleaning the Radulje ditch when a group of Roma from Dobruja attacked them and threatened them with weapons. When they later called the police, they attacked them too, the two brothers came to their aid, and one of them got hit in the head with a wheel.

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This is bad. A group of Roma from Lužianky brutally attacked three men, also Roma from Močenko. It happened in the parking lot in front of a department store in Nitra. They attacked with knives and even fired shots. Three men ended up in hospital. They allegedly fought over a 14-year-old girl, in whom the family of the attackers was interested.

The fight took place last week in the parking lot in front of the department store. Three men from Močenko were attacked by a group from Lužian women. “About 9-10 armed people jumped out after us, plus three or four women had the sprays.” said Stanislav Lakatoš, vajda Močenok in Romanes.

Looks like a fight between Vlach Roma.
