Daily Archives: November 21, 2023

Germany and Roma

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Not a good thing: In Chemnitz, two Roma families are making headlines for noise, insults, garbage, and in addition they are suspected of shoplifting. Whether true or not, the mere fact that such articles pop up is bad.

Ilona Lagrene

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Die Sintiza and civil right activist Ilona Lagrene has died at 73.

Romani Rose, chairman of the Central Council of German Sinti and Roma, praised her for her “tireless education” about the minority’s history of persecution. For her it was never about “transferring blame”, but rather about “passing on knowledge”.

May she rest in peace.

Roma Spirit

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The Roma spirit finalists are announced. The Roma Spirit prizes are given to organisations and individuals who have contributed to the integration of Roma.

Among them are, for example, the non-governmental organizations Detstvo deťom from Dobšina, Šukar Dživipen from Banská Štiavnica and Spokojnost – a center of social services from Prievidza. The gala evening with the awards will be on November 25.

  • Finalistami Roma Spirit sú aj učiteľky z Dobšinej, združenie zo štiavnického Šobova aj mäsokombinát a odpadová firma. In: Dennik N. 20.11.2023. https://dennikn.sk/minuta/3688446/