Daily Archives: November 22, 2023

Germany, Social Help, and Stereotypes

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Natalie Reinhardt, chairwoman of the state representation of German Sinti and Roma in Baden-Württemberg, sees anti-Gypsyism emerging again and again in various areas of social work.

Lujan Koka

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Ljuan Koka is a Roma political scientist, screenwriter and journalist. He achieved a significant career as a media and socio-political worker, especially in the field of protection of national and ethnic minorities. He also created a television show in Romanes.

The article covers his story.

Slovakia: Awards

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Folklorist, civic activist and community worker Marie Oláhová, sociologist Zuzana Kusá and mayor of Toporec Gustáv Pompa won the Luč z tmy (Ray of Darkness) award this year. The prize was awarded for the sixth time to people who have long been advocating for the improvement of the position of the Roma in various areas of life.
