Daily Archives: Januar 10, 2024

EU, Roma, and Projects

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An ecoduct in Svrčinovec did not manage to be built by the end of 2023. This means that Slovakia lost millions from European funds – apparently threatening the entire funding of a highway. The problem was the Roma settlement which existed on the site of the planned work. The state did not find any suitable alternative housing for the Roma, and communes nearby squabbled as to whom would have to take these Roma.

Bad, but foreseeable …

Litzmannstadt: 82 years

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On Tuesday, January 9, Łódź commemorated the 82nd anniversary of the liquidation of the Roma and Sinti camp established in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto.

Czech Republic and the Holocaust

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The Lety memorial to the victims of the Genocide of the Roma will open with a delay in April of this year.

The reason being delays and issues discovered while building the site.
