Monthly Archives: März 2024

Lausanne and Roma

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Roma who currently live in a house that has been deemed insalubrious will have to leave by the end of the month. There are no real alternatives to their current lodging.

French Chronicle …

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The French television channel TF1 showed the movide “A bras Ouvert”, a movie that came out in 2017 and immediately created a controversy as it displayed many racist clichés about Roma. Bad Idea, and bad movie.

Other news in France are more of the usual ones: A camp was closed near Fréjus in the south of France; another one in Angers in Western France; In Angers, they opened up a temporary insertion site; and finally a reportage in Western France on a site opened for Roma.

Vodaphone and Roma

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Vodafone has joined the scholarship program for Roma students, which is implemented by the ROMEA organization. With this step, Vodafone wants to support equal opportunities and fight against discrimination against Roma in the Czech Republic, which has long been criticized by the Council of Europe. Vodafone contributed one hundred thousand crowns to scholarships for Roma students of secondary, higher vocational and university schools, who face many obstacles in achieving a quality education. The scholarship program offers them not only financial support, but also mentoring, mutual meetings, advice, educational activities and internships in organizations or companies, including Vodafone.

Well done!

Roma King in Slovakia

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An interview with the Roma King Robert Botoš I. The article (and Robert I) insist that he is the king of all Roma in Slovakia. There is no such thing among all Roma. These leaders are heading their own group in one country, but definitively not all.

Slovakia: 20 Years

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Another article about the Roma riots 20 years ago in Eastern Slovakia. The police and the army intervened in the Roma settlement of Trebišov, Eastern Slovakia.

The riots were the result of utter poverty and exclusion.

Czechia: Exhibition

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An exhibition in the 400 ASA gallery showcases pictures taken by young Roma from two Roma settlements.

A must see.

Bulgaria, Germany, and an Attack

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The facts: a 21 year old Bulgarian-German dual citizen attacked two children in Duisburg with a knife and severely wounded them. The motive is totally unclear at this stage.

The Bulgarian press speaks of a “slaughter” and says that the person is of Roma origins… The fact that the article contradicts itself (the title says the attacker is 17 and the article says he is 21) shows how serious this article is.
