Daily Archives: Mai 15, 2024

Czechia and Roma

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According to social worker Jiřina Somsiová, the vast majority of the Roma are socially excluded in the Olomouc Region. Only the lucky few, who came to the Czech Republic immediately after the war, live in their own appartments. Those who immigrated later, typically from Slovakia, have no chance to find or rent normal housing and are therefore dependent on overcrowded hostels. Jiřina Somsiová, a field social worker with thirty years of experience is also the co-founder of the Community of Roma in Moravia.

Czechia: Project

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A project called “Everyone Together”, supported by Norwegian funds, lasted two and a half years in Tábor, Czechia. It enabled more insight in the relationship between the Roma and the majority population in Tábor and into the problems of the Roma. Around six hundred of them live in the town of Tabor which has 34 thousand inhabitants. However, it is clear from the results of surveys, polls and analyses, that a lot of work still needs to be done.
