Daily Archives: Juni 11, 2024

Slovakia and European Elections

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The European Parliament elections in Slovakia were won by the Progresivne Slovensko (PS) movement, which won six mandates, followed by the Smer-SD party, which will be represented by five MPs, the Republika party (founded by former party members Marian Kotleba), which won two mandates, the Christian Democratic Movement with one mandate and the Hlas – social democracy party (whose former chairman Peter Pellegrini will sit in the presidential palace), which also won one mandate. The Roma candidates failed.

Brno and the Killing

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A year ago, in Brno, a young Rom died after being stabbed by a Ukrainian. The court acquitted the man this spring. According to the verdict, it was a necessary defence. Representatives of the Roma minority in Brno would like to reopen the case are seeking legal advice.

Czechia, Elections, and Roma

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A reportage on a small town close to the Polish border where many Roma were moved into a dilapidated housing estate and did not vote in the European elections. They either are not registered in that town, or simply have no idea what elections were held.
