Daily Archives: Juni 14, 2024

Serbia and Child Marriage

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A seminar for representatives of local institutions on the topic of Child, early and forced marriages was held in Vranje, within the framework of the Roma women’s activism project in the protection of Roma girls from violence caused by child marriages.

The goal of the project is to reduce the number of child marriages in the Roma community in Serbia, that is, to protect the human rights of Roma girls, as well as to raise awareness that child marriages are not part of Roma culture.

EU Parliament: No Roma

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For the first time since 2004, there are no Roma representatives from Eastern Europe. There were several candidates for the European Parliament from different countries:

Czech Republic: David Beňák for the ANO movement, Ivana Batthyány for the Left and Jaroslav Miko for the Mayors.

Slovakia: Peter Pollák and Dominik Lakatoš for the Volt party.

Hungary: Bogdán Csaba from the Tiszla movement.

Bukgaria: Vanya Grigorová

They all failed to be elected.

Finland’s Roma

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An article about the history of Roma in Finland, from their arrival in the 16th century via Sweden to the present day. Discrimination in the Swedish Kingdom was very strong, and after Finland’s annexation by Russia in 1809, continued. They are now recognised as a minority in Finland, but still face strong prejudice.
