Daily Archives: August 12, 2024

Reflections on Lety

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Some reflections on the memorial of the former concentration camp of Lety, in Czechia with a question: Will the trees that have been planted there become tall before racism against Roma disappears?

Slovakia: Wild Poppies

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The association Divé maky [Wild Poppies] wants to bring the beauty of Roma art closer to the residents, contribute to breaking down stereotypes and prejudices against Roma, increase tolerance and give space for gifted Roma children to present their skills together with professional Roma artists.

Well, nice aims, but what they present reinforces stereotypes…

French Chronicle …

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Almost nothing this week in France about Rom. Just the story of the closure of a camp near Strasbourg. This story is typical of the way France deals with such things: 120 Roma settled near a highway access ramp in 2019. They slowly built a maeksift camp, and now, the camp has been closed for being insalubrious.

Frankly, it was the case since the beginning. Its inhabitants have yet to be permanetly re-located.
