Daily Archives: August 25, 2024

Artificial Intelligence

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The Czech SPD movement, qualified as neo-fascist by some news agencies, has been using artificial intelligence again to produce images which it then used in its political campaign. After the “imported surgeon”, an African migrant with a knife, this time it shows Roma children with cigarettes. The photo’s caption says: “They say let us go to school, but ours are on the hook”. The non-profit organization Romeo, which has already sent a criminal complaint, has already spoken out against the image.

Czech Agency for Social Inclusion

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Roma representatives are complaining that the Agency for Social Inclusion cannot effectively solve the problems of excluded localities. “Roma have a role on a theoretical level, but their real representation is weak,”  according to Marian Dancso, deputy chairman of the Government Council for Roma Minorities. “Solving social exclusion is a self-governing competence of the municipality, we cannot do it for it,” s director Martin Šimáček defends the agency for social inclusion.

We Grow

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The twenty-third meeting of Roma high school and university students called BARUVAS, which means “We grow” in Romani, starts today, August 23. This week-long summer school will be characterized by education, inspiring workshops focused on personal growth, self-knowledge and a deeper understanding of Roma history. Participants will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities that will offer them new knowledge and skills that they can use in their personal and professional lives.

French Chronicle …

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Very few news this week in France on Roma. The expulsion of 60 Roma who worked in vineyards in the Bordeaux region. Apparently, their fourth expulsion in less than a year. Shame that they cannot be properly lodged. Near Paris, another camp was evacuated, to accommodate the Paris Olympics skatepark.
