Daily Archives: August 29, 2024

Slovenia: New Measures

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The Slovenian government is preparing several measures in the field of Roma issues. The Ministry of Labor announces the opening of new multi-purpose Roma centres and three new day centres for children from the Roma community, while the Ministry of Education announces several changes to the law on elementary schools.

Let’s see what this brings …

Slovenia: An accord

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In the town of Ribnica, in Southeastern Slovenia, Roma organizations and the management of the municipality met at a joint meeting. Among other things, they agreed that the municipality will provide drinking water to two settlements when the residents there meet a set of requirements. The municipality requires that Roma, among other things, be get involved in the integration process, send their children to school regularly, clean up the settlement and determine land boundaries.

In brief: So that the municipality provides a service that is due to all its residents, Roma have to fulfil some criteria. Especially the integration one, how will they measure that?

Slovakia, Jobs, and Roma

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A Roma NGO tested the anti-Roma racism in the Slovak labour market. They created 4 CVs (2 men, 2 women one of each being Rom), and sent these applications for 100 open jobs available in various platforms.

Well, Roma got a much lower response rate than non-Roma. Non-Roma man: 92% response; non-Roma woman: 89%. Rom: 68%; Romni: 62%.
