Daily Archives: September 20, 2024

Roma and Statistics

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Another one of those “statistics”. Here, it states that only 29% of Roma are getting the minimum living income. It then proceeds to conclude that 71% of Roma who are entitled to this benefit are not receiving it.

Spot the issues? 1. How many Roma are there? No one knows for sure. 2. The author is assuming that all Roma are poor. Which is not the case.

Bad journalism, even worse arithmetics.

Czechia: Freed

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The district court in Karviná released Jaromír Lukeš on parole, convicted of an arson attack on Roma in Vítkov in 2009. Lukeš was sentenced to 22 years in prison for his attack with accomplices on a Roma house in Vítkov.

Czechia: Elections

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Regional elections will take place on Friday and Saturday in 13 regions of the Czech Republic, with the exception of Prague. In the capital city, the function of the regional council is performed by the Prague City Council, which is elected in municipal elections. Voters in these counties will begin selecting their county representatives tomorrow afternoon. In a third of the state territory, including three Prague districts, they will also have the opportunity to decide on their senators.

Let’s see how many Roma are elected this time.

Slovenia and Roma

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On September 18, 2024, Mayor of Novo mesto Municipality Gregor Macedoni hosted Minister of Internal Affairs Boštjan Poklukar, General Director of Police Senad Jušić and Director of Novo mesto Police Administration Igor Juršič at Rotovža. The central topic of the meeting was the security situation in the municipality of Novi Sad and the related Roma issue.
