Daily Archives: September 22, 2024


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Germany hosted the thematic visit on combating anti-Gypsyism within the framework of the Committee of Experts on Roma and Traveller Issues (ADI-ROM). The partner countries Croatia, France, Lithuania, Romania and Switzerland participated in the visit.

Very nice… Especially when you know that Switzerland doesn’t recognise Roma as a national minority, and when you see that racism is exceedingly difficult to combat there. A case against a rightist politician was lost recently. He had stated “if one doesn’t recognise a ‘Gypsy’ [Zigeuner] immidiately, one smells him”. That is not racist in Switzerland …

Rome: Roma Camp Closure

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The Roma camp located in Via Cesare Lombroso in Rome was closed. 33 families lived ther with a total of 145 people, more than a third of whom were children. All the inhabitants of the camp were relocated and the cleaning operations were carried out without recourse to public force. Six families were housed independently, the other 27 were housed partly in social housing and partly in other housing solutions. The Mayor of Rome, Roberto Gualtieri, announced the operation this morning: “Today – he said – is a historic day. For the first time in the history of Rome, this operation is taking place without an eviction order and without recourse to public force.”

It took time …

North Macedonia and Roma

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The police and the Prosecutor’s Office for Organized Crime committed direct discrimination against a Roma child from Prilep by failing to conduct a thorough and detailed investigation into how the child was injured in the head, chest and back and whether this was due to the use of excessive police force.


French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Only notable news in France this week about Roma is about the arrestation of three people for a tentative of arson on a Roma camp. Clearly, the fact that the three were of North African origins opened doors to some of the most extreme rightist parties, alothough some of their followers did the same.
