Daily Archives: Februar 3, 2025

Monika Vontszemüová

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Monika Vontszemüová

She is a fashion designer, runs a fashion shop in Bratislava, and is a Romni.

Monika grew up in Bratislava in the middle of the majority. Her parent had a boutique on Obchodná Street and as a child she played near the Medical Garden. She went through her own path of acceptance and learning about Roma. “Until the beginning of elementary school, I had no idea that such a thing existed. Only then did a classmate scold me for being a gypsy. I came home and asked my mother what it was.”

Monika Vontszemüová received the Roma Spirit award for innovative contribution in fashion and fine arts.

Ukraine and Roma

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Ukraine and Roma

On January 30, the “National Forum on the Implementation of the Roma Strategy. Valuing Diversity” was held in Kyiv. The event was initiated by the public organization Association of Roma Women “Voice of Romnja”.

Activists of Roma communities, representatives of the UN, the Council of Europe and the Ukrainian authorities gathered for the forum in the capital of Ukraine.

The discussions at the Forum focused on the implementation of regional action plans of the Roma Strategy until 2030 and monitoring their effectiveness.

Transcarpathian Ukraine: Raids

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Transcarpathian Ukraine: Raids

News on the Hungarian TV about the current raids on Roma settlements in Transcarpathian Ukraine. According to the news, “even the sick and half-blind are being dragged to the front, and companies do not have enough workers to carry out their tasks”.


Az ukrán területvédelmi erők toborzóparancsnok helyettese szerint Ukrajnának militarista polgári országgá kellene válnia

Ukrajna mindeközben egyre nagyobb bajban van. Már a betegeket és a félvak embereket is elhurcolják a frontra, a vállalatoknál pedig nincs elég munkaerő a feladatok ellátásához. Egyre kegyetlenebb kényszersorozás zajlik az országban. Az ukrán területvédelmi erők toborzóparancsnok-helyettese azt mondta, hogy a háború után megfosztják az alapvető állampolgári jogoktól azokat, akik nem szolgáltak a hadseregben és felelős állást sem tölthetnek be.

Posted by M1 on Wednesday 29 January 2025