23.08.2013 Chronology of anti-gypsyism in Hungary

Cseko (2013) gives a historical overview of the anti-gypsyism in Hungary. He notes that while it is certainly not a new phenomenon, the series of murders of Rroma between 2008 and 2009 was a new zenith in the hostility towards Rroma. Less well known are historical events such as the engagement of the Rroma for Hungary “during the revolution of 1848/49, against the Habsburgs and more than 100 years later in the uprising against Soviet rule.” Cseko also sees the Rroma like many others before him as the losers of the transition from socialist to capitalist system after 1989. Despite the many drawbacks of socialism, Rroma were then well integrated into the labour market. With the beginning of the post-socialist era, the racism against the Rroma increased once again: right-wing groups were formed, which abused the freedom of speech and press for their purposes. With the establishment of the right-wing Jobbik party in 2003 were terminologies such as “Gypsy crime” or “the Gypsy Question” (a reminder to the “Jewish Question” under the National Socialists) have become common expressions. Cseko also notes that there is a massive discrepancy between the official statements on the integration of the Rroma and its effective implementation. He notes: “The precarious social situation of Roma reflects the failure of the political elite of the country. All sides, left, right and liberals have failed to give the now 800,000-strong Roma population a perspective. Various programs were mostly just discussed, in reality, only a fraction of them were implemented.“
