24.01.2014 Structural violence and the Rroma

Habek (2014) discusses the structural violence against Rroma in Croatia based on the destiny of young Rrom Cazim Haliti. Haliti has a degree in radiology, but cannot finds a job anywhere. Again and again he is invited for interviews and then rejected without clear justifications or simply no longer contacted: „En d’autres termes, Ćazim Haliti, un des rares Rroms – un des dix premiers de sa génération – à avoir fait des études universitaires, a été bloqué dès la première étape. Beaucoup y voient un message adressé à la toute communauté rrom. „Je n’ai pas été choisi, ok, mais ce qui me pose problème c’est qu’ils ne m’ont pas averti, pour que je puisse continuer mes recherches […]““[In other words, Ćazim Haliti, one of the rare Rroma, one of the ten first ones of his generation to completed university studies was blocked at the first step. Many see in it a message addressed to the entire Rroma community. “I was not selected, ok, but what disturbs me is that they didn’t tell me, so that I could continue my search.]  Haliti’s case is an example of the continuing exclusion of Rroma by the majority society. When young people are excluded despite good qualifications just because of their ethnicity, some very questionable social signals are given.
