25.01.2014 Canada: A Hungarian Rroma Family that may be deported back is fearing for their security.

The asylum case of a Rroma family from Hungary in Montreal continues to make the headlines. Facing an imminent deportation back to Hungary, the Horvath family fears for their safety in Hungary in view of the extreme racism against Rroma in that country and in view of the activities of rightist extremist such as Jobbik and the Hungarian Guards. In spite of what is being said by the Hungarian Government and by its Minister Balog, little has improved for Rroma.

Une famille de Roms qui doit être déportée craint pour sa sécurité. In Metro News Canada. 21.01.2015. http://journalmetro.com/actualites/montreal/706448/une-famille-de-roms-craint-pour-sa-securite/

Montreal Gazette: Roma family fearful of deportation to Hungary. In Politics.hu. 22.01.2015. http://www.politics.hu/20150122/montreal-gazette-roma-family-fearful-of-deportation-to-hungary/
