26.04.2013 Rroma Policy in France

Atlantico (2013) reports on the latest undertakings of the right-wing opposition politician Marie Le Pen, who gave a press conference in front of a Rroma camp in an industrial zone in the French department of Essonne. The leader of the National Front emphasised that, should she be elected, she would eliminate all Rroma camps. She also criticised the center and left parties for opening France to eastern EU countries, leading to a de facto abolition of borders. She stated she would organise a referendum that will lead to the end of the European Union.

According to La Dépêche (2013), some residents of the Rroma camp approached the crowds of journalists. But there were no public exchange between Le Pen and the Rroma. La Dépêche estimates that currently about 20,000 Rroma are live in around 400 informal camps in France. The pastor Frédéric Gatineau wanted to show the settlement to Le Pen.  However, she quickly left the area reflecting he entrenched prejudices against Rroma. Gatineau stated: “Je pense que si elle rencontrait ces personnes, elle aurait peut-être un autre discours. […] Je pense qu’elle aurait été bien reçue. Ils ne pas la connaissent spécialement, ils n’ont pas d’a priori … J’étais prêt à l’accompagner mais elle est partie vite bien dans sa belle voiture noire. “ [I think that had she met people, she would maybe have held another discourse. I think she would have been well received. They do not know her and thus have no pre-conceived ideas about her … I was ready to go with her, but he left really fast in her nice black car]

Rotman (2013) emphasizes in his article that Le Pen defends her position without blinking. She argues that she doesn’t stigmatize anybody, that she speaks of the reality that no one dare to mention. That Le Pen doesn’t want to meet the people who are behind this reality itself says a lot about her understanding of reality. Her position is the result of her convictions, beliefs and values, not of social reality.

In “Les Berges du Va” in Nice, an illegal Romany camp will be evacuated. The head of the district, Eric Ciotti, argues for the removal refererring to the public health and public safety. Opponents counter this by saying that many of the local children were successfully enrolled in school and that to vacate the settlement is a step backwards on the integration of Rroma. On the question of where the Rroma will go after the eviction, Ciotti answers that this is the responsibility of the government. The judgment of the court on the eviction is expected in  the next two weeks (Binacchi 2013).

In Bobigny, near Paris, a fire destroyed part of a Rroma camp with about 250 residents. The cause of the fire is unclear. Several barracks were destroyed. Investigations, whether it was an arson act are running. Since January 2013, over 1000 Rroma in twelve different localities  had to leave their camps because of fires or pogroms A political motivation behind the numerous fires is therefore not unlikely (Libération 2013).

In Lyon, ten Rroma families who were evicted from an illegal settlement, benefit from Catholic Care. The priest Matthieu Thouvenot decreed that the parish of Gerland should provide food and shelter to 50 Rroma from the disbanded settlement, half of them children. The local church hall was converted for this purpose into  housing. The local court ruled a few days later that the prefecture should find permanent settlement for the evicted Rroma or pay for a compensation of 75 euro per person and per day. In the district near Gerland there is a tradition of Catholic charity. Representatives of the church are seeking dialogue with the French Ministry of the Interior, arguing that the situation of Rroma needs to be viewed and managed in a more differentiated way (Schittly 2013).


  • Atlantico (2013) Marine Le Pen : elle prône les démantèlements massifs devant un camp de Roms. In: Atlantico vom 26.4.2013. 
  • Binacchi, Fabien (2013) Les Roms installés sur les berges menacés d’expulsion. In: 20minutes France vom 23.4.2013.
  • La Dépêche (2013) Devant un camp de Roms, Marine Le Pen promet «le renvoi de tous les clandestins». In: La Dépêche vom 26.4.2013.
  • Libération (2013) Un incendie d’atelier se propage à un camp rom à Bobigny, 250 évacués. In: Libération vom 25.4.2013.
  • Rotman (2013) Marine Le Pen en plan com devant un camp rom. In: Libération vom 26.4.2013.
  • Schittly, Richard (2013) Les catholiques de Lyon au secours des Roms sans abri. In: Le Monde vom 22.4.2013.
