31.01.2014 Rally for a humanitarian asylum policy in Erfurt

Thüsing (2014) reports on a rally of around 120 young adults in Erfurt. The protesters demanded a more humanitarian asylum policy and the unrestricted right of residence for needy immigrants, particularly for Rroma. The rally was organized at the initiative of the groups “Roma Thüringen” and the Thüringer Refugee Council. A spokeswoman from the committee declared: “Particularly in the current populist debate about flight and immigration and against a background of racist expressions even in the Thüringer state parliament, it is important to show solidarity to the people affected by discrimination and to set an example for a humanitarian approach and a human rights-based refugee policy [ … ].”  Rroma are exploited in the polarized debate over and over again for political purposes and stylised into biased caricatures.

Thüsing, Matthias (2014) Flüchtlingsrat fordert Bleiberecht für Roma-Familien. In: Thüringer Allgemeine online vom 27.1.2014. http://www.thueringer-allgemeine.de/startseite/detail/-/specific/Fluechtlingsrat-fordert-Bleiberecht-fuer-Roma-Familien-641336188
