31.05.2013 Anti-Semitism in Hungary

Odehnal (2013) conducted an interview with the publicist Paul Lendvai about the conflicting anti-racism policies of the Orban government. Lendvai, in his opinion, sees Orban as a Janus on racism: Towards the foreign press he represents a liberal, anti-racist view while towards the Hungarian press he presents a nationalist position. Lendvai sees the missing historical work on the Holocaust as a reason for the large upswing of right-wing nationalist parties like Jobbik. He also notes a “brain drain” of many young, well-educated Hungarians, who because of the political situation in their homeland see no future there. You hardly notice “the creeping erosion of democratic structures […] It’s all in the hands of the government. The National Bank was the last bastion. Which is now also fallen.”

Pester Lloyd (2013) reported on the continued segregation of Rroma children in Hungarian schools. A demonstration of the civil rights movement “The Constitution is not a toy” is opposed to the establishment of private school foundations within state schools, to the creation of pure Rroma classes and is against the segregation of children at events and in school buildings. Pester Lloyd criticises also the support programmes initiated by minister Balog as part of national Roma strategy as these are indeed and in truth promoting school segregation nor rather than to fighting it. The programme is reducing all Rroma to a concept and is not taking them seriously in their individuality. The focus agenda has not “educational, but rather racial standards.” As other media, the Pester Lloyd addresses the question as to whether the separation of powers in Hungary is still present or has now united under one roof a corrupt judicial, executive and legislative branches.


  • Odehnal, Bernhard (2013) «Viktor Orbán ist ein grosser Zyniker». In: Tages-Anzeiger vom 26.5.2013.
  • Pester Llyod (2013) Demo gegen gesetzlich geförderte Segregation von Roma-Kindern in Ungarn. In: Pester Llyod vom 28.5.2013. 