Author Archives: Roma Foundation

Slovakia and Minority Languages

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Slovakia and Minority Languages

The Slovak Act on the Use of Languages ​​of National Minorities permits the use of the minority language in official relations and at council meetings. In practise, this is not the case.

One example is the meeting of the city council in Veľké Kapušany, a town which, according to the 2021 census,  has 8,799 inhabitants, of which 32.9% of Slovaks, 53% of Hungarians, and 4.4% of Roma. There are probably more Roma, but they often declare themselves as Hungarians.

Last December the council decided to increase kindergarten fees. The debate was partly in Slovak, and partly in Hungarian. No translations provided…

Poland, Justice, and Roma

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Poland, Justice, and Roma

The Polish Minister of Justice, Adam Bodnar, has initiated the procedure for the dismissal of Adam Kanafek from the position of president of the District Court in Bielsko-Biała.

Adam Kanafek, signed letters of support for the neo-KRS, and attacked the Roma community in Poland. Years ago, he dismissed a case involving a racist post on the Internet about them. In the justification for the dismissal, he wrote, among other things, “It is no secret that the way of life of the Roma is controversial and often meets with social disapproval. The accused criticized inappropriate behaviour, in particular concerning evading the accepted rules of earning a living.”

Czechia and Education

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Czechia and Education

Czech Education Minister Mikuláš Bek has presented the new Framework Education Programs (RVPs) for nursery and primary schools which are supposed to strengthen the connection between knowledge and skills and focus on reducing inequality in the Czech education system. For the first time ever, institutions focused on supporting the Romani minority have significantly contributed to the design of the programs.

Let’s see what this brings. Schools are still segregated…

Charter 77

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Charter 77

The human rights movement Charter 77 published a significant document, “The Status of Gypsies and Roma in the Czechoslovak Socialist Republic”, which is presented by Charter 77 signatory, former chairwoman of the Helsinki Committee and former public defender of human rights Anna Šabatová.

Slovakia and Minorities

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Slovakia and Minorities

A blog entry saying that politicians who would like to unseat the current prime minister Fico should reach out to the Hungarian and Roma minorities of the country, as they make up to one million people. And reach out to them not just two weeks prior to the elections…

Slovakia, Settlements, and Water

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Slovakia, Settlements, and Water

A reportage on a Roma settlement in Slovakia with 3’000 residents, and only one well. Apparently, 6 water points were built with EU funds, but none of them work. Here, they say they are repeatedly damaged by vandals.

Slovenia: Bad Reporting

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Slovenia: Bad Reporting

A story which is symptomatic of what is going on in Slovenia right now. A Slovenian social worker’s car was pelted with stones while passing a Roma settlement in the Doljenska region. They reported it to the police. In the end, he got a fine for violating public order.

Why? Because during the altercation, he told one of the children to go f•ck yourself, you monkey.

What really happened will never come out, but the article says that Roma can do whatever they want, and ethnic Slovenes get punished…

Greece: Trump and Roma

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Greece: Trump and Roma

What does Trump have to do with Roma? Well, according to this Greek article, American Presidential Inaugurations are very much like Roma weddings. Actually not like Roma weddings, but what the journalist thinks Roma wedding are like.

Bad, as it perpetuates stereotypes.

French Chronicle …

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French Chronicle …

Very little this week. Only three articles, all on the same topic, terh genocide of the Roma during the Holocaust. At least they speak about it. This is new.

Slovakia: Brawl

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Slovakia: Brawl

A massive brawl involving roughly 60 people occurred in Krompachy, Slovakia last weekend. A dozen people were hospitalised, as they fought with sticks, shovels, and baseball bats.


Bulgaria, Bango Vasil, and Politics

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Bulgaria, Bango Vasil, and Politics

The leader of the MRF and the PG of “DPS – New Beginning” Delyan Peevski congratulated Roma for the Bango Vasil (or Vasilica), the old New Year according to the orthodox calendar, which is celebrated by all Roma in Bulgaria. He said: “I congratulate all Roma on the biggest Roma holiday Bango Vasil or also called Vasilitsa”. And he added: “Be healthy, be worthy Bulgarian citizens and know that you are not second-class people and I will continue to fight for a decent life for all people in Bulgaria. Believe in the new beginning and be confident that the best is yet to come! Happy Bango Vasil!”

Bango Vasil in Bulgaria

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French Chronicle …

Bulgarian Police and gendarmerie were stationed at the entrances of several settlements in the Sliven region. The Roma neighbourhood in Sliven was sealed by the police and a checkpoint set up  in the Sliven “Nadezhda” neighbourhood. It was for a special operation aimed at combating drug trafficking and domestic crime. Public order was also being monitored on the eve of the Bango Vasil holiday which the article deems to be the Roma New Yea which is in fact the old new year according to the orthodox calendar.

Slovenia and Anty-Gypsyism

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Slovenia and Anty-Gypsyism

The prize of a competition for children and youth entitled “Together against anti-Gypsyism” sponsored by the Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Nationalities is somewhat controversial. Roma disagree on the name of the campaign, as there are no “Gypsies”, and locals who live near Roma settlements find it wasted money.

Łodź – Litzmannstadt Ghetto

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Łodź – Litzmannstadt Ghetto

Another article on the liquidation of the Roma camp in the Litzmannstadt Ghetto on January 12th, 1942.

Zakopane, Poland

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Zakopane, Poland

On Krupówki, one of the main street in Zakopane, there are apparently more and more Roma bands from Poland but also from neighbouring Slovakia. Music on the street pleases some tourists but apparently bothers the city’s residents. The bands play too loudly and without permits. In order to put an end to this practice, Krupówki is constantly patrolled by the City Guard, and the players. The local city guards are now fining musicians.

Roma Integration

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Roma Integration

Progress in Roma Integration, Establishment of a Regional Health Center, Further Development of the Economy, and Solving the Housing Problem are the Four Key Tasks Set by Kočevje Mayor Gregor Košir for 2025. He also expressed satisfaction that the municipality is not among the most indebted, which allows it greater flexibility in planning projects.

As Košir emphasizes, one of the key problems in Roma integration is their low employment rate. Of the approximately 800 Roma living in the municipality, only a few individuals are regularly employed. Therefore, one of his priorities will be to increase employment among the Roma population. In cooperation with the Employment Service, they are planning to launch the Romano program, which will be aimed at solving this problem.

Romani Policewoman

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Romani Policewoman

Among Slovenian police officers, there also are several Roma who are trying to build a bridge between the Roma and the majority population. One of them, a policewoman from the Murska Sobota Police Station, works in the field of Roma issues and multiculturalism.

As she told STA, her goal is not only to provide advice when working with the Roma, but also to participate in various events. “Above all, I am a bridge of communication between the Roma and the rest,” she said.